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Articles And White Papers

Value Selling In Depth takes you through the reasons for needing to include a Value component in your sales processes and what you need to achieve to be successful.

The Value Solution Checklist article is a short description of the attributes any value based selling solution what must achieve in order to be confident in your value selling strategy and tools.

The Lucidus Approach to Causality presents a discussion of the problem of determining the primary cause of value generation and how to avoid the situation where the customer argues that events unconnected with supplier activity caused value to be delivered.

Case Study - USA Medical Sector presents a real world example of how Lucidus helped one organisation create a credible and flexible Value Estimator that their customers could believe in.

Case Study - Canadian Communications Sector describes how we were asked to provide our Global IT client with a Value Selling process to demonstrate the value that would be released from introduction of an enterprise-wide employee portal into their major Canadian customer's enterprise.

Case Study – US Owned IT Hardware and associated Services Vendor where we were asked to develop an articulation of the value to be derived from a radical new way of charging for IT storage solutions and services.

Spreadsheets as Value Presentation tools asks the question; can spreadsheets ever aid in your value proposition activities?

Value Tool Specification describes a key set of recommended good-practice elements you should expect to find in any value toolset.

Measuring Effectiveness of Sales Performance Improvement tries to define, in practical terms, the characteristics of any sales performance improvement solution.

Improving sales team performance - That's training isn't it? discusses how to target your sales training to make it more effective.

Case Study – UK Government Agency (Service Sector) describes how we assessed our client's current IT skill levels and designed a re-skilling programme for their IT department.

Initiative Overload explains why not everything you do is necessarily productive!

Case Study - UK Government presents an example of how Lucidus helped develop an integrated process for monitoring large-scale benefit programmes.

Case Study –European division of US PC Manufacturer is about the European IT division of a major US owned PC manufacturer that required a way to articulate the overall value to the corporation to flow from IT investment in Europe.

Outsourcing - How To Be An Intelligent Customer - Objectives Setting is the first chapter The Outsourcing manual and deals with the importance of setting objectives correctly - an important step that is often overlooked or not given the attention it deserves.

Outsourcing - How To Be An Intelligent Customer - Making the Market is the first chapter of section three of The Outsourcing manual and deals with the first practical steps of your outsourcing journey - making the market.

I.T.Outsourcing - The Next Generation Presents some thoughts on the current state of outsourcing and a view of where it's heading for the future.

Case Study – UK Utility Company describes a client that was being pressured into changing an existing IT outsourcing agreement to one based on "Joint Venture" partnership principles.